Male MicroChimerism and Entity Removal


Discover How Entities Strike When You’re At Your Weakest And You Usually Don’t Even Know They’re There!

Male Microchimerism is connected to the virus all humans have in their DNA. The transmission of this virus is through negative PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE KARMIC IMPASSE. You are suffering needlessly!

Self-Love is your new capacity to attract the right partners in all areas of your life, connecting you to your Greater Purpose. These Divine Partnerships will assist you in giving BIRTH TO YOUR MANY MISSIONS.

This new level of SELF-LOVE that I can guide you to connect to will enable you to bring KINDNESS AND HOPE to all beings you encounter. All the while, you will watch your own inner world and outer world transform. You will finally become the being that YOU were meant to be.



Male Microchimerism is connected to the virus all humans have in their DNA. The transmission of this virus is through negative PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE KARMIC IMPASSE. You are suffering needlessly!

Entities and Shadows have been a constant battle for humans. Their identifying patterns often difficult to detect can have you find ease in things and thoughts you would have never acted on before their attachments. All attachments are experienced in the body. Your Solar Plexus triggers the points of entry and procures the proper nest to take hold. They are parasites and contaminants preventing you to experience Purity and Clarity of thoughts in this evolution.

We have lived in a Martian Echo system for uncountable eons to which our dimensional system is finally dismantling from our space in the retirement of the 6th Ray which has had us fighting and killing without considering the damage in our intimate Echo system.

The challenge we are dealing with is How to release these unwanted performers which are willingly destroying the Pure clarity which is required in this time of destruction.

Being assisted by long-awaited evolutionary condition finally capable to excavates from our thoughtforms precise points of active darkness from our shadows.

Self-compassion is required and the release of serving others first before self is a must.

By using the magnetic influence of internal Sacred Geometry in order to collect and defragment diminishing patterns, you will learn how to assemble your desired new patterns and have them come online with ease in your personal Data Centers. This will present you with an instant new connection to the 4th and 5th Dimensional layout where you can finally reach your True Human Potential.

Discover How Entities Strike When You’re At Your Weakest And You Usually Don’t Even Know They’re There!

Are you secretly being held back by…

  • Shadows
  • Entities
  • Malicious curses
  • Persecuted ancestral lineage syndrome
  • Inherited DNA patterns
  • Alien implants
  • Interdimensional karma
  • Satanic rituals
  • Serial self­ abuse

Self-Love is your new capacity to attract the right partners in all areas of your life, connecting you to your Greater Purpose. These Divine Partnerships will assist you in giving BIRTH TO YOUR MANY MISSIONS.

This new level of SELF-LOVE that I can guide you to connect to will enable you to bring KINDNESS AND HOPE to all beings you encounter. All the while, you will watch your own inner world and outer world transform. You will finally become the being that YOU were meant to be.

Qualities and Experiences You Will Gain:

  • Patience
  • Transformation
  • Calm Intelligence
  • Focus
  • Uplifted Wellness
  • Curiosity
  • Confidence
  • Transparency
  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Intuitive willingness to move forward
  • Trusting your inner knowing and wisdom
  • EASE: Elevate, Assemble, Support & Experience
  • Radiant intention
  • Delicious success
  • Natural healthy magnetic alignment
  • Purity of Heart, Mind & Soul

All of this is available to you.

Here’s what’s included in the package:

  1. Twenty-One (21) MP3 Recordings will walk you through Male Microchimerism, how you become affected, and what you can do about it. 
    1. A few examples of what is included:
      1. Awareness in the Sphere of Your Space, you will learn to become happy. Finding the quietness within yourself. Learning to become very quiet and still in your mind. 
      2. Understanding Your Past and Present: Male Microchimerism follows you through many incarnations. Attaching your partner’s Karma to your DNA. In this recording, you will learn about how past sexual abuse affects relationships. 
      3. Compassion, Reverent: Anchoring positive Karmic Energy into your Data Center. Becoming more compassionate and experiencing yourself at a higher resonance. 
      4. Gracious, Transparent: Learn to become more gracious, transparent, and genuine, focusing on any Microchimerism in the present body. 
  2. Ten (10) pre-recorded Group Coaching Calls
    1. The group coaching events will teach you how to triangulate and realign the mirror effects in order to help you organize your energies and step into your BOUNDLESS new you.
  3. Three (3) Bonus Recordings will move you to the highest echelon of your divine being.
    1. Successful
    2. Aware of Being Everywhere
    3. Removing Entities with Andie DePass
  4. One Bonus MP3 that will help you to experience a galaxy of serene waves of harmonious confidence. Generously validating well-being as Truth within you.
    1. Confident, Harmonious, Serene
  5. Three Powerful Meditations to align your Energy and Remove Male Microchimerism
  6. A 45 Minute Personal Coaching Session with Andie DePass


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